Friday, January 20, 2012


Luis: Born May 1st, 1985 

K'at: Network
His Nahual (Animal Guardian): Spider
Energy places: Sea and Jungles
Energy Colors: White and beige
Stone: Agate (had to look it up, a stone associated with volcanic rock)
Metal or element: Oxygen
Maya Name: K'at
Mexican Name: Cuezpallin
Color: White
Orientation: North
Key: Entanglement

K'at represents instinct and originality, but also the tangle of life, the things that trap us. It's a force that connects people or elements to get things done and a filter that separates the bad from the good. The seed symbolizes the possibility of new life. At its essence, it is a fire that consumes, the absence of physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual freedom.

Those born under K'at are sincere leaders and possessors of a strong inner energy. When they learn to control their emotions they can accomplish whatever they set out to do. Because of this, it is very important that they find a stable base. Their biggest problem is material things which they have trouble managing.

They are good students, very orderly and can be spiritual guides. Once they acknowledge their dreams and possibilites, they tend to become very successful.

      Katrina: Born July 1st 1984

Ajpu: Warrior
Her Nahual (animal guardian): snail
Energy locations: Beach, forest, sunlight
Energetic colors: White and Blue
Stone: Clear Quartz
Metal or Element: White Gold
Mayan Name: Ajpu, Ajaw
Mexican Name: Xochitl
Color: White
Element: Air
       The Key: Spiritual Warrior
Conqueror of negative energies, spiritual warrior- this is the day of the great Ajaw, the father and representation of the sun. A day symbolizing the Life Force. The essence of Ajpu is the completion, the context and the understanding of a day or time.

People born under Ajpu are good comedians and actors. They're friendly, brave, variable, travelers, dancers, delicate, intelligent, and sure of themselves. They can be romantics, dreamers, visionaries, or spirit guides. Although they have their practical side. They're also good observers and share a mission to re-orient humanity. Their egos are their largest obstacle in their spiritual path. They have the ability to manage their social circle and are very selective in their friendships.

They're spiritual defenders, good friends and companions, astute and strategic, direct and clear. They posses the spirit of the sun and lead their family well.

Side note: For those of you who know us, there are many things in our Nahuals that are very close to the truth, other things we wish we had! A pretty cool thing to do :)

The descriptions from Casa del Jade...

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